Lessons online
To make the history more interesting teachers (coordinators) prepared online lessons with presentation, Winston Churchil's speech, documentaries and quizzes.
Winston Churchill "finest hour" (best version) :
Student's worksheet:
Students worked with a documentary 'Bloody Foreigners' about Polish pilots in the Battle of Britain:
After watching each part check how much you remember doing the kahoot quizzes:
https://create.kahoot.it/share/e5c5c567-d47b-411b-b817-35ccedfb62b0 (part 1, until 25:30 )
https://create.kahoot.it/share/c477f89d-b022-4d75-9756-24654158903f (part 2, from 25:30 to the end)
Kahoot quiz for Lesson 1 | Polish students are watching film during |
Kahoot quiz |