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The Battle of Britain -history

  • Working on the topic the Battle of Britain students have to know some historical facts.

    01.09.1939 - Germany invades Poland (WW2 begins)

    03.09.1939 - The UK declares war to Germany

    17.09.1939 - The Soviet Union invades Poland

    10.07.1940 - 31.10.1940 - The Battle of Britain

    17.01.1944 -18.05.1944 - The Battle of Monte Cassino

    06.06.1944 - D-Day, Normandy landings

    01.08.1944 - 02.10.1944 - Warsaw Uprising

    08.05.1945 - the end of WW2


You can check how much you know:


         Year 5 in Eastburn have been learning about WW2 as a background to their music project based on the book 'Goodnight Mr Tom'.  We have used the book The usborne Introduction to the Second World War by Paul Dowswell, and the Dorling Kindersley book 'World War II.' by Simon Adams  In particular, we have looked at the following topics:


          Each week, we have used a set of comprehension questions to look at the text, and these have led to discussions.  The questions and texts have been shared on the Twinspace and our partners in Poland have used them too!


  • The Battle of Britain

  • The Home Front and the evacuation of children from the cities

  • The events at the start of the war, particularly the invasion of Poland

  • The role of women on the front line

  • D Day



History lesson

Learning history of the battle of Britain in the classroom in SP 9 Dzierżoniów.


Pair work

Working  with student's worksheets about  WW2.


Group work

Working in groups learning about WW2.

Some Polish students studied the history of the Battle of Britain on their own and made presentations.



























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